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DUG vessels


STUFF vessels

A small hole is excavated in a log into which clay is forced. As the void fills up, the clay squirts out over the top. The log (which has first been split into four pieces) is opened up and the clay form is removed. The hole is then made slightly larger and the process is repeated. The subsequent vessels that become larger and larger are a record of the void (a non physical object) appearing in the physical world.The resulting texture of the forms is a hybrid between clay and wood.

These clay vessels were created for the exhibition Objects with a Void organised by Workshop for Potential Design.

While working on the first series of DUG vessels, I became interested in how the scraped wood texture was extruding along the surface of the clay as it erupted from the hole. The possibility to create a complex texture from a simple mould, or even a complex form from a simple mould, was developed further into the STUFF vessels.

These next images show the vessels in sequence as the void becomes larger and larger.